Sunday, September 8, 2013

There is No Value in Struggle (Really, there isn't)

I’ve been seeing a lot of quotes lately that indicate that, if there is no resistance on your journey, then you are making it too easy. If you experience some sort of struggle in whatever you are journeying towards, (career, relationship, weight loss…blah blah) then it’s more worth it.

Here are 6 words I want you to remember throughout life: There is no value in struggle. 

If you are experiencing resistance/struggle, it’s because you are not aligned to your desire and you have decided to paddle upstream. Life is unfolding before you in the most beautiful way, and you have decided to buck your own current because you don’t believe the Universe can give you something better than what you have been getting. Instead, we muck around thinking that pointing our boat upstream is how we get what we desire. You know that saying: Go with the flow…that’s what life is supposed to be like. You know that song, Row, Row, Row Your Boat… yeah, you get the picture. 

An acquaintance of mine said this to me recently: “We project human failings and shortcomings onto the Universe, and then expect it to faff around and let us down in the same way that humans can do. Change it all with the belief I TRUST GOD/UNIVERSE TO SORT IT ALL OUT.” 

Certainly, there will be contrast on our journey, but this helps us to expand even more. But don’t wallow in the contrast because that’s when you continue get more of the unwanted. Realize you want something better than what you are getting and turn toward that. Become vibrationally aligned with that. 

It doesn’t mean that what you are doing won’t have effort involved. Of course it will! Just make it enjoyable effort. Get aligned with it and make it fun. If it’s causing you pain or sadness, you’re not aligned with your desire. 

Dan Millman said: “Pain is a relatively objective, physical phenomenon; suffering is our psychological resistance to what happens. Events may create physical pain, but they do not in themselves create suffering. Resistance creates suffering. Stress happens when your mind resists what is... The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds.”

I couldn’t agree more! 

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