Sunday, August 25, 2013

Are You a Victim or Participant?

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” 

― Oscar Wilde

Many of us wander through life, just going through the motions, constantly asking ourselves, "why are we here?" When negative situations happen to us, we tend to become the victim. We sit and wonder, "Why me?"

Does this sound familiar?

What if we had the option to switch it around? What if, instead of looking like the victim, we decide that we are the participant in life's unfolding? What if, in every moment, we decide how we want to participate?

Ask yourself daily, "What experience do I want to create?"

Isn't this the most freeing thought ever?

We create our experience by how we want to feel. By doing that, we either create deliberately or by default. Typically, we get so stuck in the old vibration, we don't realize that we are creating by default. We either offer up a vibe that we choose, or we offer a vibe that we are used to, and then feel like puppets that are being manhandled.

The point of all this is that we are here for the experience. We get to choose the experience every time we roll out of bed, and all we have to do is adjust our vibration; adjust our emotions to it.

I heard this quote the other day and it was an a-ha moment for me:

"You aren't creating money, you are creating YOU in the financial experience." Abraham-Hicks.

This can be applied to everything: career, relationships, is all the same.

How do you want to feel in your life experience? Many will say they want to feel happy, excited, abundant, full of love, but can't figure out why they aren't getting it. It's because they have built up a vibration that contradicts what they want. What we need to remember is that it's going to take time and focus to get a different vibration going. Just like when we decide to lose weight, learn a musical instrument, or how to ride a bike--these things take time.

There will always be contrast in our lives. By contrast I mean when something happens that is the opposite of what we want. People usually call this 'struggle' and think that if they take the path of least resistance, they will find their trophy or statue commemorating their struggle.

There is no value in struggle. If you are struggling, then you are not in alignment with what you want. Anyone who says there is value in struggle is either selling you something or hasn't figured out how to align to their own vibration. 

However, there is value in contrast. Once you experience the contrast, it is up to you to use that as your bouncing point to greater things. You feel crappy because your spouse is not acting how you think they should act. Take that icky feeling, which is the contrast, and decide how you want to feel. What other people feel has nothing to do with you. It's their own thing. You and how you feel has everything to do with you.

You know that line, "It's not you. It's me"? This is exactly what vibration is about. Anything we have going on has everything to do with our own vibration. When we fix the vibe, we fix the situation.

We are always clarifying, growing, expanding, and wanting more experiences. Our vibration is what gets translated into a physical response.

When you see yourself as a participant in life; when you realize you get to choose what you want so you can experience life to its fullest, life will begin to flow much easier for you.


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