Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fake It Till You Make It

Fake it till you make it! What does that mean. There is a lot of confusion surrounding this statement, and sometimes people get very uptight about it.

In my assessment, there are many interpretations depending on who you are, what you've read, and who you've spoken to.

Some think that it means just pretend you are the person you want to be and eventually you will become that person. All you need to do is forget everything that that isn't working in your life and pretend that everything is sunshine and lollipops. There may be a little truth in that, but, you certainly can't go around spending money you don't have because you are 'pretending' you are a millionaire. That's not how it works and this isn't what it means.

A little demonstration:

When I was younger, like 12 (I'd like to say it was 10 years ago, but it wasn't.), I would go to sleep by visualizing myself on The Love Boat. Sometimes I would be Julie McCoy, Cruise Director, and sometimes a passenger. This was a great way to fall asleep because it made me happy and I would have a peaceful sleep.

Seriously, I think we would all have excellent sleeps if we envisioned ourselves on a beach, a boat, a train...whatever, as long as we were having a relaxing time on our imaginary vacation.

So, what Fake It Till You Make It means is to visualize what you want. THINK and FEEL it... just like I did visualizing and feeling what it would be like on The Love Boat as Julie McCoy. This is how you create your life; this is the fake it part. This is the part where you go within and have fun, no matter what is happening. Although I didn't manifest being on The Love Boat (because that wasn't the point of the exercise when I was 12), what did manifest were peaceful sleeps. I remember waking up one morning and I felt awesome! I even looked like I had a restful sleep.

Once you are in your conscious state and moving through day to day life, you take that feeling wherever you go.  The point of life is to feel good!

Still unsure about this Fake It Till You Make It business? There have been studies demonstrating that thought and feeling will produce similar or close to similar results. For instance, studies show that when athletes visualize running and training for a race, their bodies go through the same processes as if they were physically doing it.

Why? Firstly, thoughts and emotion are energy. We are all just a bundle of energy! Secondly, your brain doesn't know what is real or what is imagination. When you throw feeling into the mix, you can tell your brain anything and it will believe you.

Therefore, tell it you are rotten and FEEL it....and it will believe you. Tell your brain you are wonderful, and FEEL it....and it will believe you. Whatever you tell it, it will believe you and create more for you. It is at your beck and call.

Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings! They are extremely powerful!


  1. Love that you closed with the positive affirmations of a tea bag, Ms Julie McCoy. You are proof positive that you can get through tough times if you can find good in it all, even if it's memories or believing in angels. I believe you're one. <3

  2. Thanks! (blush). I was actually thinking of you when I wrote it cause of what we were talking about. It got me thinking. Thinking leads to writing.
    I apologize for the grammatical errors... it was late when I wrote it. :)
