Sunday, September 30, 2012

What's Your New Story?

A belief is a thought you keep thinking- Abraham Hicks.

So, does that mean, if I believe I’m Pamela Anderson, I will become her? Well, not technically.
Here’s how it goes: When you were younger, you were given verbal cues, or beliefs from other people, like parents, teachers, etc…that were their beliefs and basically, impressed upon you to believe the same beliefs. As a youngster, you rarely question what authority figures tell you, so you adopt those beliefs as your own. Then, one day, you realize that these cues you were given are not who you are. Unfortunately, you’ve trained your brain to believe these things are true.
So, what do you do now? Now you have to retrain yourself to believe something different.

Is it easy? With some focus, it can be. You have to be steadfast about it and not beat yourself up when it doesn’t happen quickly or you don’t see the changes right away.
Am I lying to myself? No. You are giving yourself new verbal cues that make more sense to you. Your brain has no idea what is happening now in the ‘real’ world compared to what you are imagining. And, even if you feel like you are telling yourself lies, eventually those lies will become truth for you. And, besides, if you are worrying and stressing about things, then you aren’t being productive anyway. You might as well entertain yourself by telling yourself a good story!

One way  to tell a new story is to give yourself verbal cues to retrain you brain, also known as: Positive Affirmations. Now, you may have heard that positive affirmations won’t work if you don’t believe in them, or if you don’t have the emotion behind it, because thought and emotion must go hand in hand when creating.
Well, fact is, you tell yourself anything over and over again, eventually you will believe it. Look at what happened when you were given verbal cues from authority figures at a young age. Same thing.  You are giving yourself verbal cues according to your rules and your own beliefs.

How do you do this? You have to stay focused and keep moving forward no matter what your brain is telling you. You are telling a new story with your new verbal cues.  You are re-teaching yourself something new and brilliant and life changing.

“As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.  There is no physical body, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought.”-Abraham-Hicks

What is your new story?

Friday, September 14, 2012

No Life Lessons?

"Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." -- Obi-Wan

"The only lesson in life is to learn to be pickier about what we think and feel." -Tamara Hanson 

Many of us believe that we are here to learn lessons in life. Typically, each negative thing that happens is a lesson that we feel we need to learn so we can evolve further. However, what about when something positive happens? Doesn’t that offer a lesson too?

While this may be true to a degree, I don’t think we each are randomly doled out a certain number of ‘lessons’. I don’t think when your name comes up, a wheel is spun and you get the health issues, or the financial issues, or the relationship issues.  Nor do I think that everything is a test where we are given a pass or a fail depending on how we react or what action we take.

Because we are the creators of our own experience, and each one of us is God/Source Energy/Higher Self (fill in the blank) expressed in physical form, we are the ones giving ourselves the experience.

“But, wait,” you might say, “Why would I create that crappy relationship, financial situation, or illness? Maybe I’m here to learn a lesson for some crappy karma from a past life in which I don’t remember nor have any control over it.”

You are not undoing any karma (see karma blog), and you have complete control over what you create by paying attention to how you think and how you feel.  Your emotions are guiding you; if you are feeling anything less than happy, joyful and loving, then you need to switch it up and reach for something that feels better. Nothing is more important than that you feel good… no matter what.

“But,” you might say, “I have all this crappy stuff happening in my life. How can I feel good when crappy stuff is happening? I should be worrying because, if I’m feeling happy, then I look irresponsible for not worrying about the crappy stuff. That’s what society taught me.” 

The crappy stuff that is happening right now is old news. The crappy stuff that has manifested into your life occurred because you offered up consistently sloppy thoughts and vibrations before it came into being your reality.

So, we become more proficient at thinking the good stuff and feeling the good stuff, no matter what our current reality is. Why? Because we now want something new to come in; we now want health, happiness, love, money, a job, etc.

There is a saying: 

I am sure there still is that underlying question of, “Well, did those starving kids in Africa/my city/my country, become sloppy thinkers too?” This is an off-shoot of the same topic and will cover that at a later date, which will most likely deal with co-creation.

The point is, the only lesson that we need to learn is to be pickier about what thoughts we think and the emotions we feel. We need to be less sloppy with our vibration and more deliberate with what we create. So, when something happens that is not what you wanted, the lesson is to change your thoughts and emotions to what you do want…and be consistent about it. 

Challenge yourself for 30 days by thinking and feeling only the positive, and then see what happens. 

You have nothing to lose.