I hear people constantly talking about Karma...especially as something negative. Usually people say, "Karma is a bitch" when they feel they've been wronged. Or, "Karma will bite you in the ass." The confusion is we tend to relate karma with justice...and this isn't the case at all. Karma isn't justice. The word has been misconstrued and used incorrectly.... kind of like the word coincidence... but that's another blog post.
So, let's break it down. If I can help one person understand the meaning of Karma, I have done my job with this blog posting.
Karma is Sanskrit for Action. So, basically, karma is the cause...the action that gets the ball rolling to create an effect. Think of it as the pebble hitting the water (action) and the ripples are the effect. Because of that pebble, it has set the water in motion, one ripple affecting the next ripple, and so on.
Of course, there are many cultural understandings about karma, but the premise is that your actions cause a reaction.
However, it's not a matter of some guy in the sky determining who gets blasted with the 'bad outcome' and who gets 'good'. It's actually a natural law, and it all has to do with vibration/energy.
As I have relayed in other postings, everything is energy. Everything! So, thoughts, words, and actions are all energy as well. When we send out a thought and emotion (this is an action, by the way), and consistently think/feel the same way, we are building a consistent vibration, and, therefore, we will see the effect of this action.
However, if you feel you were wronged by a person and that they should get what's coming to them...that person may never 'get' what you think should come to them. Why? Because the person who 'wronged' you may not feel that what he/she did was wrong. In that person's eyes, he/she is right. That person is vibrating at a level of being right and, therefore, won't suffer any ramifications for what you thought was wrong.
In the same breath, if they feel terrible about what happened and their perception is that they deserve a bite in the backside, then that is what they will get. It's their vibration that will create what people call 'karma'.
"Here's a rule of thumb that will help you: If you believe that something is good, and you do it, it benefits you. If you believe that something is bad, and you do it, it is a very detrimental experience." --Abraham Hicks
"But wait," you might say, "I'm a good person. I make sure I do the right things; upstanding citizen, and all that, and I still get the shitty deal."
It goes back to the old saying, "You reap what you sow." So, if you are planting seeds or feelings/emotions/thoughts of unworthiness, not deserving-ness, and negativity about yourself and who you are, then those are things that will come back to you. It has nothing to do with life lessons or that you had it coming because of something from a past life. It has to do with your beliefs and vibration about who you are and how you feel about yourself, which can be rectified with deep love for yourself.
One last important thing before I go: We Are All One. So, yes, the actions we take do affect others and ourselves in some way because of our connection to one another.
"In other words, what you sow you do reap because Law of Attraction says that which you offer vibrationally is that which you bring back. But it does not pass on from lifetime to lifetime to lifetime in the negative sense that people mean because when you re-emerge into nonphysical, you re-emerge into pure positive energy, and when you come forth into your next incarnation, you come forth from that place of pure positive energy." --Abraham-Hicks
It's pretty simple: Respect and love yourself, and respect and love others. The vibration it sets off can change the world!
I think Bill and Ted said it best:
Be Excellent to Each Other~ Namaste!
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