Monday, May 28, 2012

Arguing for Your Limitations

Contrast helps you to identify desire. Desire is summoning. It's always flowing through you. You have the opportunity of opening to the harmony of the vibration of your desire or not. As the desires are being summoned through you, and you go with the flow, you thrive, but if you use things to be your excuse for not going with the flow, you are arguing for your limitations. We want to show you how to go with the flow. Which means nothing more than finding vibrational harmony with your own desire, and letting the Universal Energy that your desire is summoning to it flow to it through you. It is optimum creative experience.--Abraham-Hicks

Are you arguing for your limitations? Are you putting up a fight to defend those limitations that hold you back from achieving what you want out of life? The question you have to ask is: Why? Why are you arguing for your limitations?

You are a limitless being. You are the creator of your own experience. You can be, do, have whatever you want. So, why put up a fight?

Here's another question: Has arguing for your limitations gotten you anywhere? Has it produced a positive result? What has arguing for your limitations done for you lately?

When you begin to really understand your power as a creator of your own experience, you suddenly see how the Universe is trying to help you. When you realize that you are not a puppet on a string, then you finally trust, have faith, believe, and KNOW that all is working out perfectly.

One of the best things you can do is open your eyes to the beauty of the perfection of the path laid out before you. Just because it's not how you envisioned it doesn't mean it's the wrong path. The Universe is a better organizer than you and, once you let go and trust the process, everything will fall beautifully into place.

However, you need to let go of a few things first, like: Ego. Victim mentality. Unworthiness. Negativity. Limitations.

And, you have to reach for: Your higher self. Love of self. You have to realize you are the Universe and the Universe is you.

There is a great quote from the book/movie Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert:

"God resides in me as me."

Another appropriate quote from the same book:

“Imagine that the universe is a great spinning engine. You want to stay near the core of the thing – right in the hub of the wheel – not out at the edges where all the wild whirling takes place, where you can get frayed and crazy. The hub of calmness – that’s your heart. That’s where God lives within you. So stop looking for answers in the world. Just keep coming back to that center and you’ll always find peace.”

There really are no limitations. And, if you think there are, let's consider the fact that, at one time, people never believed flying was possible....until someone broke past limitations and made it possible.

At one time, indoor plumbing, electricity, and cars were a far-fetched idea...until someone went beyond the box and made it happen.

People who were told they wouldn't be able to walk again....have walked again. People on the verge of death, and told they only have hours to live, make a complete turn around and start living. (see Anita Moorjani's beautiful story!)

When I worked at a bank (many moons ago), we were told that the ability to access someone's bank account (that was located in another city) through the computer would never happen. did, because someone made it happen.

Anything is possible.

So, find that peace, that love, that centre of calm. Find your knowing and your belief.

There are no limitations.

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