Friday, July 27, 2012

Vibrational Alignment--What's That About?

When people talk Law of Attraction, or LOA, they usually are confronted by many different responses, including: People cringing because this LOA stuff is not proven. Oh, and it sounds airy-fairy, too. Or, blank stares because some people have no idea what in tarnation you are talking about.

At its basis, law of attraction is really about vibrational alignment.
But, what does that mean?

Everything, yes, EVERYTHING is energy. One more time: EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. Energy is vibrational; it gives off a signal. We’ve seen this with radio waves, satellite waves, and even our bodies.  Animals can hear different frequencies… energy, signals. Bats are visually challenged at night and, therefore have sonar, receive information from their high pitched squeaking sound when it bounces off objects around them.

Because everything is energy…wait, one more time: EVERYTHING IS ENERGY… it is attracted to a like energy. Like attracts like, as they say. Birds of a feather flock together. “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” But, wait, what about opposites attract? Well, that typically applies to magnets. But, if it has to be explained, they are basically the same thing just a different ‘degree’ or ‘type’ of the same thing… so, they aren’t so different after all. Kind of like light and dark. Dark is just a different degree of light. Hard is a different degree of soft…etc.

Look at lightning. Lightning is energy, and when it hits, it has been attracted to that which is on the same frequency as it is.

Let’s bring this back around, shall we. Law of Attraction is just that…like attracting like. Humans are not exempt from this either…but many of us think we are and that we have no control over anything and the world is a terrible place.

But, we do have control…over our own vibration and over the signal that we are sending out. You can either create by default or create deliberately—the choice is yours.

Many people find this hard to believe. “What? I create my own life? Rubbish! Why would I create that!?” Well, because most of us don’t clean up the vibration we send out. We are so accustomed to the signal that we think it’s normal. However, the things we want to change stay unchanged because we don’t take responsibility for our own energy.  So, it’s not really about the specific thing you created, but about the vibration you were offering.  Vibrations based on lack, limitations, negativity, illness, anger, sadness, etc, will continue to create the same thing.

And, it's not a matter of switching your vibration in a second and all is well; you still have built up a ton of stuff that needs to be cleared out. If things don’t turn around in that moment, you have to keep working at it. You can’t expect a broken arm to heal overnight…well, I guess you can because anything is possible…but, typically, our belief system doesn’t always allow for it and most of us have to really focus. But, how do we focus? We use our minds. So, not only do we alter our vibration by how we feel but we also alter our thoughts.

So, focus on feeling better. Focus on happiness, joy, abundance, contentment and peace. Think thoughts of beautiful things, beautiful moments, and wonderful experiences…anything that will get you into that good feeling place. When you begin to change your thoughts and, most importantly, vibration, you will begin to create what you want to create.

In the words of Yogi Ramacharaka
"We wish the student to particularly understand that when we say "Thoughts are Things," we are not using the words in a figurative sense or in a fanciful way, but that we are expressing a literal truth. We mean that thought is as much a "thing" as is light, heat, electricity, or similar forms of manifestations. Thought can be seen by the psychic sight; can be felt by the sensitive; and, if the proper instruments were in existence, could be weighed… It is like a thin vapor (the degree of density varying), and is just as real as the air around us…

It may be necessary for you to fix this fact in your minds by picturing the mind as sending forth thought emanations… think of thought emanations as akin to the steam being projected from a boiling tea kettle”.

Makes sense to me!
