Friday, January 27, 2012

Are You the Dragon Warrior?

Kung Fu Panda

There are many of us out there who feel we are ‘undeserving’ of receiving abundance, no matter what shape it comes in. We feel that money, a partner, a dream career, etc are all worthy things to have. We might even feel that to have that object, we have to be really special to receive it.
Kind of like when Arthur pulled the sword from the stone; when he completed that task, he was deemed worthy enough to be King. This story isn’t much different from what we want to bring into our lives. At times, manifesting what we want can feel like trying to pull a sword from a stone and not succeeding. Then someone else comes along and pulls it out easily. How does that happen?
The fact is, we are all worthy enough to receive what we want.
But how?
It all begins with dealing with what is going on inside of you. Begin by being diligent about the thoughts you think, your perceptions, and how you feel. If you are sending out negative vibes and thought patterns, you need to address those and make every effort to change it.
Once you switch your thinking, you won’t be the person trying to pull the sword from the stone–instead you will be like Po in Kung Fu Panda.
In the movie Kung Fu Panda, Po is the accident prone noodle maker’s son who is picked as the Chosen One. He is deemed ‘worthy’ by ‘chance’ ….or is it?

Once Po passes all of his tests, he is allowed to read the knowledge that is written on the Sacred Scroll. However, there is nothing written on the reflective, shiny scroll paper when it is unraveled. No one can figure out what is meant by this, until Po has an enlightened moment during a conversation with his father, and realizes its meaning.

What did it mean? That shiny, reflective paper, the paper that mirrored back the person who was looking at it, revealed that You are the secret ingredient. You and only you can make yourself worthy and deserving. The secret ingredient is already inside of you, not outside of you.

You are the key to how you want your life to unfold. It’s time to move forward with your life and feel worthy again. Because you are!

Your mind is like the water. When it is agitated it becomes difficult to see, but when you let it settle, the answer becomes clear.-Oogway from Kung Fu Panda

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Natural Abundance: What is it?

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

When the term "Natural Abundance" is tossed around, most of us wonder what the heck it is. Is that just some fancy term or does it have some meaning to it?

Let's start from the beginning...
At our very core of who we are, we are abundant beings. Our birth rite is to be abundant in every area: happiness, joy, peace, love, food, water, shelter, success, money.... all those things that are a necessity of life, and that we wish to bring into our life experience...all of those things that we bring into the physical because we want to and because it is always our choice.

At times, we may not feel that abundance is our natural birth rite. We look around and see people without food, clothing, and shelter. For ourselves, we may see a stack a bills and very little pay. Or, that we don't have that $80,000 on hand to buy that sweet sports car.

However, we can look at it this way: we don't believe that money can come to us at our will, or that we can have unlimited amounts because we are socialized to think otherwise. We were brought up thinking that there is limited amounts of food, water, money, etc. We were also brought up to believe that we shouldn't be greedy or materialistic for wanting to experience life in many different ways. And most of us were taught that life was unfair, tough, hard, and we have to work hard to be rewarded.

But none of this is true. We were born into abundance. Each of us born with the same birth rite.

So, why are people suffering in this world? Because, we all are co-creating these old beliefs. The world is already changing and evolving. People are becoming more and more aware of their abundant nature, learning how to tap into their own personal power.

So, natural abundance is knowing that we are all abundant beings. We are all in control of the creation of our own lives... that we can be, do and have whatever we want. If we begin to change perspective, begin to believe and KNOW our true selves as creators of our own lives, we will see amazing and wonderful things begin to happen. We just need to get out of our own way.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Finding Wholeness

"You complete me." -Jerry Maguire

Whoever has seen the movie Jerry Maguire is quite familiar with this famous line...heck, even if you haven't seen it, you know what people are talking about when they use it...either sentimentally or humorously.

There is a belief out there that we need a person, thing, fill in the blank, to complete our lives, to make us feel whole.

The fact is, we need to feel whole first. To complete ourselves first. Everything that we want is within each of us already: Love. Abundance. Joy. Happiness. Passion.

Those things we are searching for in another person are already within us. We need to realize that we are already whole and we already have whatever we need and want. We are searching for the feeling that the other person gives us not knowing that we have had it along.

What do we do then?
We love ourselves a little more. We treat ourselves with more respect and kindness. With gentleness and appreciation. We realize what we want and need is within us already. We realize that we complete ourselves.

“We search for happiness everywhere, but we are like Tolstoy's fabled beggar who spent his life sitting on a pot of gold, under him the whole time. Your treasure--your perfection--is within you already. But to claim it, you must leave the buy commotion of the mind and abandon the desires of the ego and enter into the silence of the heart.” -Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love